Wednesday, November 21, 2007

DACA Event: Thursday, December 13, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.

Mark your calendars!
Bring your merriest attitudes and join us for
"The Annual Trolley Square Caroling"

We will gather in front of Especial Day, Trolley Square
(complementary refreshments at Logan House and Toscana)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

DACA Meeting, Tuesday, November 20, 7pm

Our speaker will be Marjorie G. McNinch, author of the beautiful book “Yesterday on Delaware Avenue". She will give a half-hour slide show, followed by a book signing, a perfect gift for all your friends who love Wilmington history.

The book can be purchased at:
- 9th Street Book Shop
- The Hagley Store
- Borders Books
- or online at


Our second speaker is Stephanie Kruel from the non-profit PhillyCarShare who will be explaining their strategy for driving without owning a car. PhillyCarShare Delaware provides an occasional car (or second car) to members. To drive, they simply reserve a vehicle online or by phone up to moments inadvance, walk to the car, open it using their personal key, and go! Anon-board computer tracks use, and affordable rates starting at $2.90 perhour and 9 cents per mile cover everything - reserved parking, premium insurance, and gasoline. There's a fuel card in the glove box, and gas isfree, paid for by PhillyCarShare Delaware. Cars are currently available at 5 locations, and new pods will be opening up soon! Join for FREE and be amember for FREE today by visiting us at:

Alan will give us an update on other things going on in our community.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Trolley Square Phase II

The Department of Transportation approved funding the technical design of Phase II. Design to begin in November '07 and presented for public comment in February '08. Stay tuned for more details. See the pictures below.

- Design in '08, Construction in '09 -

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The 2007-2008 DACA Meeting Schedule is now available

The DACA Meeting Schedule is now available. We will begin our meetings again on September 18, 2007 at 7:30. We will gather again at the Delaware Center for Horticulture, 1810 North Dupont Street.

DACA will meet on the Third Tuesday of September 2007, November 2007, January 2008, March 2008, and May 2008.

Please mark your calender and plan on joining us.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Improvement projects around Trolley Square

Here are some reports which help explain the improvement projects around Trolley Square.
Some of these reports have been revised but this is the big picture a proposal from a 2001.


Friday, May 11, 2007

DACA Meeting - Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m

A DACA Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m. (new time)

Speakers include:
Captain James Jubb of the Wilmington Police Force
Captain Jubb will talk about crime in the area.

Hal Hardy, our Beautification Chair
Hal will talk about options for street tree work.

As always, we will gather at Delaware Center for Horticulture, 1810 N. Dupont Street. (park in lot across Dupont St. or in rear section of Trolley Square)

This will be our last meeting until after the summer so we hope to see you there.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


DACA offers the opportunity to have a street tree planted in your yard. Although the trees must be within 8 feet of the street, a grant provided by the Delaware State Forestry Service is available yearly to help beautify our neighborhood. There are numerous benefits provided by street trees and all that is required is that you fill out a request form with your contact information and permission to plant, and return this to DACA's Beautification Chair Hal Hardy. Forms can be found at Delaware Center for Horticulture or by contacting Hal Hardy (302-345-6976 or

In addition to the tree planting grant, a "tree work" grant is also available each year which can pay for your street tree to be thinned, pruned, topped or if needed completely removed. Your participation in watering and care for the tree is needed. You are also invited to request specific species of trees and offered help in determining what kind of tree would be best for your location. Don't wait! The timeline for request is nearing!

Monday, January 1, 2007

DACA Board, 2006-2007

President Alan Emsley 429-1894
At Large Representative Rufus Miller 429-5898
At Large Representative Nancy Wingate 658-9440
Beautification Chair Hal Hardy 345-6976
Block Captains Chair OPEN OPEN
Electronic Comm./Webmaster Denise and Joe Gasz 622-9244
Membership Chair Bernadette Wimberley 654-0778
Merchants’ Liaison Litzie Clayton 658-4993
Newsletter Editor Anne Gross 425-0331
Newsletter Delivery Chair Litzie Clayton 658-4993
Secretary OPEN OPEN
Treasurer Rebecca Combs 571-9999
Unkempt Properties Chair OPEN OPEN
Zoning Chair Jeff Flynn 777-5125
Advertising Joe Zilcosky 463-7321

Become a member?

Do you want to join DACA? Please provide the following information:

Your name:___________________________________





E-mail Address:_________________________________

Idea for Guest Speaker?___________________________________

If you provide your e-mail address, we can e-mail you periodic news that we hear about between newsletters. We will not share or sell your e-mail address, period!

Mail this slip plus a check for $5.00 for your annual household membership dues to Delaware Avenue Community Association or DACA, c/o Bernadette Wimberley, 1515 W. 14th Street, Wilmington DE 19806.

Thank you!