Tuesday, November 20, 2007

DACA Meeting, Tuesday, November 20, 7pm

Our speaker will be Marjorie G. McNinch, author of the beautiful book “Yesterday on Delaware Avenue". She will give a half-hour slide show, followed by a book signing, a perfect gift for all your friends who love Wilmington history.

The book can be purchased at:
- 9th Street Book Shop
- The Hagley Store
- Borders Books
- or online at


Our second speaker is Stephanie Kruel from the non-profit PhillyCarShare who will be explaining their strategy for driving without owning a car. PhillyCarShare Delaware provides an occasional car (or second car) to members. To drive, they simply reserve a vehicle online or by phone up to moments inadvance, walk to the car, open it using their personal key, and go! Anon-board computer tracks use, and affordable rates starting at $2.90 perhour and 9 cents per mile cover everything - reserved parking, premium insurance, and gasoline. There's a fuel card in the glove box, and gas isfree, paid for by PhillyCarShare Delaware. Cars are currently available at 5 locations, and new pods will be opening up soon! Join for FREE and be amember for FREE today by visiting us at: http://www.phillycarshare.org/

Alan will give us an update on other things going on in our community.

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