Friday, May 11, 2007

DACA Meeting - Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m

A DACA Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m. (new time)

Speakers include:
Captain James Jubb of the Wilmington Police Force
Captain Jubb will talk about crime in the area.

Hal Hardy, our Beautification Chair
Hal will talk about options for street tree work.

As always, we will gather at Delaware Center for Horticulture, 1810 N. Dupont Street. (park in lot across Dupont St. or in rear section of Trolley Square)

This will be our last meeting until after the summer so we hope to see you there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sidewalks, trees and streets of Delaware Avenue area and Wilmington. The city is currently trying to pass responsibility for sidewalk maintenance back to property owners. There is more information to be found at and WHYY story on You Tube
Street tree and sidewalk maintenance issues are having similar problems because the line between private and public public responsibility is ill defined.

Note on tree grant for 2007. Because of miscommunication I was not able to secure the available $10,000 funding from the Delaware Urban and Community Forestry Program. Other monies are made available for emergencies and by our local representatives, previously Joe DiPinto and currently Gerald Brady. Planting and removals are continuing thanks to these individuals.

I urge anyone interested in the appearance and safety as well as the efficiency of government programs to come to the Delaware Ave. Community Associations meeting this fall.

Thanks. Hal Hardy