Thursday, March 8, 2007


DACA offers the opportunity to have a street tree planted in your yard. Although the trees must be within 8 feet of the street, a grant provided by the Delaware State Forestry Service is available yearly to help beautify our neighborhood. There are numerous benefits provided by street trees and all that is required is that you fill out a request form with your contact information and permission to plant, and return this to DACA's Beautification Chair Hal Hardy. Forms can be found at Delaware Center for Horticulture or by contacting Hal Hardy (302-345-6976 or

In addition to the tree planting grant, a "tree work" grant is also available each year which can pay for your street tree to be thinned, pruned, topped or if needed completely removed. Your participation in watering and care for the tree is needed. You are also invited to request specific species of trees and offered help in determining what kind of tree would be best for your location. Don't wait! The timeline for request is nearing!